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Top Ten Tuesday: Books I Plan to Read During the Soul Healing Season of Autumn

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. Today’s topic is “Books On My Fall 2018 TBR”.

I recently wrote a post about Books That I’m Excited For. However, while those books are pretty alluring on the best of days they are not what I want to read right now….. nor are hardly any of them in my immediate reading plans…. though I will get to them some day! Says every reader ever….

For Autumn (Fall) the goal is to shock the socks off of my TBR by reading literally as much as a human can read (this mortal form slows everything down by like 75%…. apparently it needs to eat, drink and sleep everyday??? So odd….). And I have a Grand Scheme!!

the little mermaid evil laugh GIF

The Grand Scheme is not to set large, unrealistic, at the end of the month you’re going to cry TBRs. So, Grand Scheme means I’m going to set small TBRs (I’ve decided to set 2 books per set goal – Keep it simple and safe my little muffins, we don’t need any more soul crushing okay?? Leave that to the books) as appose to the usual READ A HUNDRED BOOKS OR PERISH thing.

Also, with my being a mood reader it works out perfectly because the small number of books per “set TBR” means that I can choose what I feel like reading in the moment.

My current teeny tiny TBR is:

KODAK Digital Still Camera

(Links take you to Goodreads so you can check them out too!)

Wintersong by S. Jae-Jones and Soundless by Richelle Mead!

I’ve started with Soundless and while I am only 60 pages in, I like it so far. I don’t feel like I’m being sucked into it yet, I’m interested in what’s going on though. Like…. my heart is screaming “JUSTICE FOR THE MINERS!!!!” So…. that’s good. Emotion is always good folks!

Wintersong is a book I’ve wanted to read for a while now (literally every time I look at my bookshelves my eyes instantly go to Wintersong and it’s sequel Shadowsong…. I mean… they are beautiful books so it could just be that – but it also sounds really good. Goblin King sounds like someone with a story I want to hear!)

I also plan to start my Throne of Glass (by Sarah J Maas) re-read soon in preparation for Kingdom of Ash (which won’t murder me in any way I’m sure *anxious laughter*). I actually haven’t read The Assassins Blade or Tower or Dawn yet, so there are 2 new, exciting, fresh, probably gonna make me cry books!

wake up crying GIF

I also hope to get to Strange the Dreamer by Laini Taylor (yet another beautiful book that my eyes snag on all the time), preferably I’d like to read it in time to read the sequel (Muse of Nightmares comes out October 2nd) before any spoilers emerge. I’ve been pretty good at avoiding spoilers for Strange so far…. but I don’t want to take any chances.

Those are the books I know I want to read this Autumn, otherwise….. all is a mystery…….. *stealthily backs away into a corner of shadows* *probably trips over something*

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What books are you guys looking forward to reading in Autumn (Fall)?? Have you got a set TBR or are you going with the flow??? Is your set TBR a large, bloodthirsty beast or a fluffy, tamable bunny??

18 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday: Books I Plan to Read During the Soul Healing Season of Autumn”

  1. Love your take on TBRs. I don’t love the really long lists, either. I’m trying to spend more time being conscious about enjoying my current read, not just collecting a longer list of “my next read”. Good luck with your small, but also ambitious, Fall TBR!


  2. I keep hearing about Laini Taylor and honestly- one of these days I’m gonna break down and read one of her books. And will probably be hooked like everyone else is!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Right? I swear I hear about her books at least once a day! I haven’t read any of her work before either, but I feel like I’m going to enjoy it! Let’s join the Darkside!!!
      Happy Reading! 😀


    1. Me too! I can smell either death or happiness coming my way from KoA and I can’t tell which one it’s going to be ; _ ;
      Yeah I know what you mean, Uni takes up a lot of time and the TBR is all “DID YOU FORGET ABOUT ME HUMAN!!!!” *WWE style bodyslam*! I hope you find the time to read alongside your studies though!
      Happy Reading!


    1. I personally really enjoy Sarah J Maas’ books! I hope you enjoy them when you get to them! So far Soundless is pretty dang good!
      Happy Reading!


    1. I’ve heard a lot of good things about it, and it just sounds like something I’d love! Oh mi gosh, I still have releases from like December 2017 I still need to get too XD But then all the new shiny ones toooo!!! AAAA!


    1. I really excited for it! AAAAAAA! I haven’t read anything else by Laini Taylor before but I feel like I’m going to like it!
      If we don’t survive… we’re gonna have to start a support group for sure….. no way our “normal lives” can be resumed after it XD

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Haha, I’m starting to doubt that I’m going to be able to get to it. It’s a pretty big book. Buuuut We’ll see how it goes, I might get to it?
      Happy Reading! 😀


  3. Kingdom of Ash is going to CRUSH OUR SOULS. TEAR OUR HEARTS TO PIECES. LIGHT US ON FIRE. And then probably torture us some more. Like. How can we even prepare ourselves for that? I’ve no clue. :’)

    I use monthly challenges to set my TBR’s. It does help me quite a lot to get through the books I haven’t read yet. 😀 Usually I go with a “here’s everything that fits the challenge; let’s see how many I tick off”-kind of thing though. Gives me more freedom – which I like.

    Happy reading and good luck!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh yeah. We’re finished. The world may actually end with KoA from the amount of people that will be set on fire and screaming. XD THERE IS NO PREPARATION ONLY DOOM!!!

      Oooo, like a reading Bingo! That sounds like fun! I think I’m at the point where I’m going to try as many different ways as I can, and see what makes me read more (tbr jars, challenges, etc.)

      Thank You! 😀 Happy Reading to you too!!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. EXACTLY. I already felt like warning colleagues I won’t be mentally present the week of its release. Like. I’ll probably be a wreck and go through work zombie-style, haha!

        You could see it like that, sure! I always use a jar for my January challenge. It’s weird using one when you never do though, haha. Makes me appreciate mood-reading more!

        Thank you!

        Liked by 1 person

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